Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I marvel at how a child can take the simplest interactions and make them hilarious. I am painting Aidyn's bed frame, so her mattress is on the floor. We decided to make it a camping experience, complete with "ghost" stories. Aidyn's story was from a "My Little Pony" episode. In her little four year old voice she began,
"This one is called... the Hegelend of the Healous Horse."
Jesse promptly began to correct her.
"Legend of the HEADless Horse."
Meanwhile, I sat there, shaking with laughter at the cuteness of the banter.

Then tonight, I sat listening to another story by Aidyn:

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who lived in the middle of a garden. She walked around looking for boys. She say a man and he said, 'You look sexy!'"
At this point, I interrupted her, "Please say 'Pretty' or 'beautiful'. Where did you hear that word?"
She replied, "Jesse says that to you sometimes."

...oops. (Mental note, tell Jesse to pick a different word.)

She continued,
"He said 'You look beautiful' and said he ate sexy gumballs."
At that point, I burst out laughing. When I was able to regain my composure, I corrected her again.

So in conclusion, eat your sexy gumballs and pronounce your words correctly.

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