Sunday, September 29, 2013

Enough is Enough!

Every once in a while you have to look at your life, discover what it is that you want, and make it happen. It's easy to fall into ruts: waiting for things, not being proactive, waiting for other people to make things happen for you. At the end of the day, how long should one wait and be patient? How much time should one invest in something (without seeing much progress) before giving up?

This is a question I've been brooding over lately. Good things take time to cultivate, I realize that. However, I feel my patience thinning. I've spent many years of my life wasting time on projects and people that have taken my time invested and never yielded results. Monotonous "plugging along," same excuses for not taking the time to accomplish things, wasting resources, and placating others with little rewards and "baby steps." It's an infuriating process.
One should never rely on others for happiness. One should never rely on others to accomplish goals, thinking that those will somehow magically transform the life one has.   

This is the mistake I have been making, over and over, hoping the results would be different each time. But actions speak louder than words. SEEING RESULTS AND PROGRESS is different than talking about it. I will no longer be patient with empty words. It's time to make decisions, follow through, and stop leaving projects half done. name is Gretchen, and I am going to stop making excuses and change my life.